Women over 40 years

An increasing number of women are having children when they are 40 or older. Some have waited for the right one, some have focused on their careers, lived out other dreams and goals and have therefore postponed the desire to have a child. Others may have been plagued by illness or infertility and have been in treatment for a shorter or longer period. What these women have in common is that the dream of a desired child is still alive.

40+ and the risk of infertility

The older you get, the harder it is to get pregnant. Fertility falls sharply when women pass the age of 35, the risk of infertility increases, which often requires a more complex treatment to achieve pregnancy.

Is it still possible to get pregnant?

If you want to have a child, it is important that you have a fertility test and get a medical assessment of whether it is possible to get pregnant. It will save you a lot of unnecessary time if you get the right treatment from day 1.

Vi har stor erfaring og ekspertise i at hjælpe kvinder, der kommer, når de har passeret 40 år. Nye behandlingsmetoder gør også, at vi i dag kan hjælpe langt flere kvinde end for 10 år siden. Vi tilbyder alle typer af behandling – herunder også ægdonation og dobbeltdonation.

Som kvinde kan du få hjælp til fertilitetsbehandling i det offentlige, indtil du fylder 40 år, mens vi hos TFP kan tilbyde fertilitetsbehandling, indtil du fylder 46 år.

If you have to choose donor sperm

Choosing donor sperm is for many a very special process, which also evokes many thoughts and feelings. We have a close dialogue and good cooperation with the sperm banks. This means that we have great expertise and knowledge of the process. We can therefore prepare you for the choices you face if you have to choose donor sperm.

In the initial dialogue, we will address some of the most important questions you should consider and which you will inevitably be faced with later. It can, for example, be what you want to tell your child? What do you want your child to know about the donor? And what do you tell the outside world if you get pregnant with donor sperm at the age of 40 or more?

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