When it fails

Being in fertility treatment is difficult, because it is not a given that the treatment will lead to the desired result.

Dear Danfert,

So my 6th and thus last insemination is done and over.

I need to give you a big THANK YOU for the process I have had.

Unfortunately, I had to make it as far as 6 attempts, and then we’ll have to see if the 6th time bears fruit. Hope is very, very small for us, but it is there after all.

I would like to thank you all for the understanding, care and compassion we have received from you. After all, no one wants to be in treatment, but after all, you have made it less bad than it already was.

Always understanding and sympathetic from the reception when I called to announce the negative test every month, with time for a short chat with me. It has meant a lot.

Always nice nurses who have scanned and shown respect and finesse for an unpleasant situation. You are very vulnerable lying on the couch.

You always had a warm smile.

I am very emotional as I am left with very mixed feelings. I have to admit that the relief of not having to inject myself with hormones, lie naked on the couch, lie about my work, etc., etc. is unimaginably great. At the same time, I (we) are of course incredibly distraught and unhappy about not having achieved the long-desired pregnancy. But now we can start processing the ‘sorrow’ and at least say that we have done what we could.

Because it is a sadness. Month after month you mourn the now that was never there.

I wish you can continue exactly what you are doing and hopefully help a whole lot of other people.

Best regards, C (wishes to be anonymous)

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